Scenario 5.
Destination nat: connection redirected from external host X to internal ssh server Y.
External host contacts ssh server on, port 222.
Really, connections towards port 222 in network gateway are IPFIRE-redirected to an
internal ssh server on So, external node will communicate with the internal
host, port 22. This is a failry frequent case in which one wants to redirect
connections towards an internal server, e.g. a web or DNS server.
In the picture below you can see what happens. Note that sees traffic as
coming from the real external host, and responds to it directly, always passing through
IPFIRE gateway, of course (a port de-dnat translation is still needed).
This kind of external - internal translation differs in behaviour if compared to internal - internal
one: the former requires a step less than the latter. This is due to the fact that in every case
internal host that is contacted by an external one responds through the gateway and the
external machine always talks towards external IP gateway's address. In internal redirection
instead, if A talks to B and gets redirected to C, A waits for answers from B, not from C. At the same
time, C needs to talk to B, it does not know that connection was setup by A.