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Building user interface from sources

IPFIRE userspace program needs to be built from sources.
After extracting compressed folder, place yourself inside ipfi directory, which contains userspace interface to kernel firewall. Then impart the command:


This command builds interface with default options, i.e. with rule naming enabled. If rule naming is enabled in interface compiling, it has to be enable also when building kernel modules. This is achieved by compiling modules with the same make command. (See next chapter for kernel building details).
The reason why you would disable rule naming is to decrease rule and kernel state and translation tables sizes by 20 bytres (the maximum length for rule names defined in constant RULENAMELEN in source headers). You can disable this feature typing


as building command.

NOTE: If user interface is built without rule name support and kernel modules are built within, firewall interface will refuse to start giving an explaining message.

Installing user interface and post - install tasks

After building sources, you can install them giving:
make install . After installation is complete, each user should create in his home directory a subdirectory named IPFIRE in which to put the following files:

where permission rules are stored

where denial rules are stored

where translation rules are stored (for root only)

where blocked sites have to be listed

Those above are the default files. Keep in mind that you can specify you own files as described in command line and configuration files chapters.
A log file /var/log/ipfire.log (default) must also be created and be writable by all IPFIRE users.

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